SHIPLAP - madebypaint
madebypaint's beautiful furniture paints and finishes are Australia's best range of chalk and clay paints and finishes.
madebypaint's, made, by, paint, beautiful, furniture, paints, and, finishes
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A multitone blue on the cusp of grey.

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Shiplap Chalk+Clay Furniture Paint | MadeByPaint

Shiplap Chalk+Clay furniture paint is a multitone blue on the cusp of grey. Our furniture paint is safe, non-toxic and eco-friendly, making it ideal for painting furniture. Simply ensure your piece is clean and free from peeling paint, dirt, dust, mould and grease. No need to sand prior to application. Apply the paint in any way you choose. For a smoother look, apply evenly along the grain, taking care to remove paint drips. For a more weathered or distressed look, apply paint both along and across the grain. Touch dry in 30 minutes and can be recoated in 2 hours.  Sand between coats where needed to remove any unwanted material. Apply further coats until the desired finish is achieved. Lightly sand the final coat where necessary and seal with a non-toxic topcoat from our Finishes range.